- It is estimated that approximately 80% of people in Western countries have experienced lower back pain (LBP) at some point in their lives. At any given time in the United States, approximately 25% of people have reported lower back pain in the last 3 months.
- Lower back pain is the single most expensive musculoskeletal ailment in medicine costing up to $72 billion/yr including compensatory and lost work time.
- Research shows that in people with LBP the muscles that stabilize and protect our lower back, also known as "the core" shut down in response to pain and injury. When pain has stopped, core strength does not return automatically, which can cause further problems.
- Research has shown PT intervention can restore core strength and assist an individual in returning to normal daily activities.
- Physical therapists at Premier Rehab will perform an in-depth evaluation using a research and clinically graded system specific to your diagnosis in order to address functional goals specific to your needs.
- Depending on the findings from your evaluation, your physical therapist may incorporate the following treatment techniques into your program.
To learn more about our Lower Back Pain Services or request
an appointment, give us a call at (817) 498-8585 or
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